Tinkering.. A Family Tradition
It seems to be in the blood that we like to tinker with things to make them work better, go farther or faster; because Brewer’s are tinkerers. My son is no different as his room looks like a mad scientist went… mad in there. Circuit boards everywhere, switches, wires; he takes after his Dad… as I have taken after mine. Tinkering helps to keep the most important muscle we have working… our brain. Tinkering allows you to take on changes and look for solutions; when properly incorporated, it can help in everything in life because you are always looking to make everything around you better.
Trying to Stay Busy
Even as a disabled Veteran I can’t sit still. While my “go get ’em” attitude led to my disability… it is also what keeps me going. I have trained and worked as a Public Safety Chaplain, I have a substantial automotive background as well as owning a successful advertising/ marketing company. I have been active in my community as a volunteer for multiple public safety organizations and am very involved in Church.
I currently work as a small business consultant for Modern Web Studios which gives me the wonderful opportunity to work from home and share 30+ years of knowledge to our customers. As my medical circumstances change, so do I. I have stepped down from my work within the community but still work in an advisory capacity as needed.
Perhaps one day the Lord will take me home… but until then… I will be busy.